Funky... Just the way we like it! Inspired by the recent trend of mini-Simmons boards that have been finding their way into lineups along the coastal areas, my buddy and I decided to experiment with our own "flavors" if you will. We ended up with an orange creamcicle with a lemon and mint center! Technically only a mini-Simmons in template design, our version hosts a slightly rolled belly entry, going to flat, and finishing out with a subtle vee through the tail. The quad fins sit way back on the tail and our rocker is more continuous (a traditional mini-Simmons hosts a very rolled belly going into a single concave with twin keel fins way back on the tail). This board is going to generate a lot of speed down the line. When this thing was sitting on the racks, it looked like it was going to fly away! Dimensions are 5'5" x 19 1/2" x 22 1/2" x 19 1/2" x 2 3/4". For the fun of it, I polished the tail and left the nose as a sanded gloss just because it looks cool. You saw it here first! Although the board is his, he promised to let me try it out sometime. We're both really stoked! Enjoy!